Will 2023 Be The Year You Finally Build That Online Business You've Been Dreaming Of?

My Signature Proven 3-step System

Is Now A VIP Year-long Coaching


My Signature Proven 3-step System

Is Now A VIP Year-long Coaching


It's Time To Set The One New Year Goal That Will Be Achieved!

Systemised Processes. Rapid Results.

We keep the programme exclusive so that we can give everyone present the attention they need. You'll be part of a closed, exclusive club.

You're smart because you know that the most effective way to get results is to learn from someone who has done what you want to do.

You know that this shortens your learning curve exponentially while also steering you clear of the pitfalls you may otherwise make without expert guidance. The end result is a business you run on your terms based on a time-rich model. You can be there for your family, take time out to put yourself first and become a role model who empowers others as your business grows.

We take you from invisible to absolutely unforgettable,

from having no command to being in demand and

from competing on price to competing at a higher perceived value.

It's no longer a pipe dream, it's completely doable, and we will do it together.

I'll show you how to:

  • build the right model for your business so you can bring in the clients you want.
  • sytemise and automate your processes so you can delegate to an online outsourced team so you spend less time working in your business and can focus on working on it to grow it.
  • package your offer to be irresistible to your target audience so you can convert with ease and confidence with no icky sales pitch.
  • achieve time and money freedom and live life on your terms.

Has This Been A Dream For A While Now?

Do you find you are great at getting things started but not so great at finishing?

It may just be the only thing that's missing is a sure-fire systematic approach that is proven to work and someone to hold you accountable as you make the moves.

As business owners, we know it can get lonely if you don't have a community of like-minded action-takers spurring us on, providing that motivation to get the next thing done. Or seeing others in the group have success and finally getting that this is completely doable for you too.

How many times have you fallen into the trap of putting off till tomorrow what you should do today - and tomorrow never comes?

We all need mentors to guide us, to help us keep going when we want to give up, to provide support and inspiration with a model that works, to help us finally reach those goals.

How Can You Make This Happen?

  • By being a part of an step-by-step plan to build and grow your business by keeping you in ACTION and ACCOUNTABLE
  • By modelling from someone who's done all the legwork before you and now delivers a packaged system that shows you how it all works in sequence
  • By creating a marketing plan that is plug and play and works on autopilot
  • By being part of a supportive community of like-minded entrepreneurs, who get with you, are on your side because they all have the same goal as you - to have a purposeful, profitable business that impacts the world

I've spent years researching this and putting it together based on my learning journey and what has worked for me ...

... and now I'm in a position to pass this to YOU.

You Are Cordially Invited To Apply For ...

The Work From Anywhere year-long coaching programme

In the Work From Anywhere Inner Circle you'll have access to the information and tools to grow a purposeful business even if you have no business acumen, and right now no idea of what you have to give (we'll work on that in the mastermind). This includes:

  • Mindset transformation around shifting from a salaried employee with a fixed salary ceiling to a business owner completely in control of what you earn
  • Building a team to support you, that you can delegate to so you can finally get things done - yes, you don't have to do it all!
  • Following a business model that is designed to bring in consistent, high quality leads and the best thing is - you get to choose who you serve
  • Getting your business processes systemised so anyone can step in and operate it when you're not there
  • Finally feeling comfortable charging what you are worth, working in a realm of high-ticket programmes that actually move people forward - yes, you CAN make a difference when you have the right systems
  • Freeing up your time so you can live a life by design not default

You'll have all you need to:

  • Brand your business and you
  • Identify your ideal client
  • Communicate your core message and value so buyers understand
  • Systemise all processes in your business ready to scale and deliver exceptional customer service
  • Call in your tribe
  • Position at a higher value and bigger ticket to bring in more revenue while doing less work
  • Show up consistently on the right platforms with the right content
  • Create irresistible offers that position you as the only choice, no sales pitch needed
  • Build funnels to drive clients to your offers
  • Nurture relationships to drive additional revenue

It's not just content:

  • it's getting together on group calls to keep you accountable,
  • it's networking with others going through the same journey who are slightly ahead of you,
  • it's 90 day plans to keep you on track,
  • it's goal setting and goal attaining so you actually do what you set out to achieve

Because I've got you, and you've got this!

What Makes This Programme The One You Need To Be A Part Of?

Here are 3 compelling reasons why this programme works ...

I'm committed to seeing you get a return on your investment.

I've personally invested in high ticket programmes and know what it's like on both sides of the fence - being overloaded with information and not being driven to get results, and being part of programmes that truly deliver - when you put in the work.

I completely understand that if you are putting precious resources of time, energy and money into a programme, you expect to see tangible results.

So my promise to you is that - if you follow the system, if you do the work, if you are fully committed and make this a priority in your life for the next one year ... you will see results.

It's a proven system that works.

I've spent years researching what's out there, what works and what doesn't, and I figured it all out in a way that made sense to me.

So that's what I've packaged into my system - it's my research and 30 years of working experience building and running a business with no business acumen when I started. It's my experience in trying every tech solution out there until I found one that just makes it simple. Life's too short for complicated. Why do that to yourself?

I made every mistake in the book when it comes to running a business along those 30 years, and I learnt from them.

THAT'S what makes this programme so rich - it's my life's work all rolled into an easy-to-follow, step-by-step programme designed to get you the results when you follow it systematically and do the work. No cutting corners. Let's invest our time and energy now into doing what needs to be done.

It worked for me, and now that I've broken it into manageable action steps, it can work for you in a fraction of the time it took me.

Building a business is more than just making money, it's living your purpose.

At MarketSMART, we believe that starting a business just to make money is a broken model. We are here to help potential business owners harness their gifts and their zone of genius to run a purposeful, profitable business. Without the purpose, the business has no impact, and that's not what we're about!

So we only work with people who share our values:

In inclusiveness and equality for all

In continuously educating ourselves, lifting people up and elevating them to achieve their full potential

In doing the work, but working SMART

Let's look at some of the transformations my clients have experienced through my programmes

Gyanendra Kumar

"Is Ange Dove a mind reader? She’s been there and done it. All of it. And has come out with a workable solution. Kudos to the lady and thanks for being my mentor. Now I know my business begins with me and “purpose passion and position” will result in profit."

Joyce Teo

"Thanks to Ange’s direction, in less than an hour of sitting down with her she had mapped out my entire product ladder and clarified all the confusion in my mind with regards to marketing what I do. Thanks to her I can also now build my own funnels.

Paul Emmerson

"Ange has been an inspiration to me not only as a copywriter but as an entrepreneur committed to sharing her vast knowledge with those who need her help. She, and her team, has consistently delivered for each of the brands I have worked with and are to me what an agency should be - client focused and capable."

I'm my own best example!

Over the years, I've transformed from being a salaried employee with no business experience to setting up my own solopreneurship, to expanding it to an agency of dedicated action-takers, moving and pivoting with the times, and setting goals that used to seem unattainable but that I've now attained.

It's all doable if you make it a priority and believe in yourself.

I so want this for YOU!

As a Work From Anywhere member, you get access to ...

3 virtual, intensive Get It Done Weekends

We’ll meet virtually as a group three times a year, one to map out your Get Ready actions, one to map out your Get Seen actions and the final one to map out your Get Business actions to set you up to fly alone!

Private community group to network, share resources, collborate and get answers daily

This private group is for you to network and share with your fellow Mastermind members. I'll be in daily to address any questions as well. So do pop those questions in!

Weekly Q&A sessions for 12 months

You'll get weekly tasks assigned and can use these sessions to clarify any points you need to in order to get the task done. It's in a virtual group setting but you get one-on-one time with me for your questions. I stay until everyone's questions are answered. AND you'll also find you get value from other students' questions too on topics you may never have thought to ask about. Yet you realised after hearing the answer that you needed to hear that too! It's so valuable!

An accountability buddy

I highly recommend that you team up with people in the group to hold you accountable on a weekly basis. Arrange a weekly call with them to check in and hold each other to the tasks you promised to get done. When someone has your back, you get so much more done. If you don't know who to partner up with, ask me and I'll match you with someone I think will be a good fit.

If you know me, you know I like to over-deliver ...

so here's some added extras I think you'll enjoy

Thanks for joining gifts

Expect a little package to arrive at your door soon after joining. It's my way of saying thank you for the trust and giving you some enjoyment and self-care in the process.

My vault unlocked

As a Mastermind member, as long as you are in my community, you have access to my vault of live training all collated in one easy place to consume at your leisure. Please honour me by not sharing. This is exclusive access to you as a paid member.

My life's experiences

Owner of an award-winning business, Coach, International Speaker, Trainer, Copywriter, Podcaster, Author, Wife and Mom. You have my experience in the following to tap on as you build your business:

branding, brand story, offer packaging, systemisation, SOPs, lead acquisition, internet marketing, social media content development, self-publishing, podcasting, live events and summits, community building, video marketing, outsourcing, mindset, tech savviness.

OK Ange, I love what I'm seeing and I need this.

But what's the investment?

I've learnt from every mentor I have had (it's a growth mindset thing) that you evaluate offers based on the value they will deliver to you and not on what it costs. I run my business that way and that's how I roll.

Evaluate whether it gives you a skillset that you can leverage to run your business for as long as you want or even set up multiple businesses using the same success formula you now can't unlearn.

Ask yourself,

  • if i implement everything in this programme as others have done,
  • if I do the work using its step-by-step methods,
  • if I use the access to weekly calls to get all my questions answered so I can rocket ahead
  • if I take advantage of the accountability buddy system
  • if I network with others who can help me along the way

Ask yourself if you really want the transformation. Are you willing to prioritise it and do the work?

If yes, and you're an action taker not a victim of circumstance, then this mastermind programme is designed to work the way you do.

Each weekly set of lessons is designed to get you to take rapid action and see results. You should be quickly able to put yourself out there and start bringing in clients that will cover your investment, even before the mastermind is over!

And the best part is that whatever you learn in this mastermind, you'll have skills you can use to monetise your ideas FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!

Don't fall prey to masterminds that charge upwards of $25,000 then leave you to your own devices with limited access to the coach. Enrol with me and you get all that I have.

And I ALWAYS show up for you.

This is my life's work and I honestly can't put a value on it, but obviously I have to put an investment cost to it. This is NOT a $1997 programme. It's aimed at giving your EVERYTHING you need to know, not bits and pieces. It's a COMPLETE system. To get returns that make a difference, you need to be prepared to invest substantially in yourself.

There's an investment reward for paying up front and a 9-month payment plan if you need to make the investment more doable for you right now.

If you don't think you can make the investment back easily after implementing what I show you, then this isn't for you. It's for people who understand they need to invest in themselves to grow and that they will reap multiple times the returns quite easily when they implement.

So, do you feel that you are in on this whatever the investment, or do you need to hear more and uncover how this will work specifically for YOU?

Then jump on a FREE strategy call with me and get clear on your next steps. Remember, this is an application process. I don't take everyone, so if I feel you aren't ready right now, I'll let you know and we'll find something for you that fits.

My Guarantee To You

I know what it was like to be lost and stuck in my business yet really clear on where I wanted to go. I just didn't know how to get there.

But I know now that once you understand your WHY, the HOW will come. Mine came in a series of mentors that had the generosity to share their life's work with me.

I'm now in the position to do the same with YOU.

It would be my privilege to be the mentor for you, to help you share your zone of genius with the world and see you become a person that owns your value, charges what you are worth and lives a time-rich life on your terms.

I commit to taking you seriously, making you a priority and caring about your progress. I'm here to give you that extra push, to shift your mindset so you can take on those scary next steps, but I'm not here to do the work for you. That's got to be your commitment.

My promise is, if you follow the steps and you do all the work, you will get the transformations you seek and will be living a life of abundance.

I've got you, and you've got this! You really do!


But You Need To Act Now

I only work with action takers, and you need to take action to apply.

We close the doors to enrolment once we get the sweet-spot number of participants for the mastermind. I can't have it too big. That's not fair on those that commit.

So act now! Once those spaces are gone, they are gone for the year. Whether I open up the mastermind again next year remains to be decided.

So secure your spot on my calendar now!

That's if you are willing to TAKE ACTION and IMPLEMENT to see RESULTS.

Yes, I know this is what I need.

Can I sign up now?

This is a big decision, and I need to know you are a fit for our community and that this investment is going to serve you long term. This programme is intense, and will challenge you, and you need to have this expectation set from the start.

So, I need to understand your goals and motivations and your willingness and ability in your life circumstances right now to be able to commit to the transformation.

It's a 12-month process and I need people in the group that will lift others up and will do the necessary work. I protect my group and I protect you, so let's have that chat to see if we are the right fit for each other.

If I feel that you are ready and a great fit, I'll invite you in immediately, then it's your turn to make the powerful decision about doing the work and making this important time investment in yourself.

My calendar can fill up quickly, and as I said, there are only limited places available in the mastermind. I keep it small for a reason.

So apply now so you don't regret it later when all spaces are gone.

I look forward to having you on the call!

Let's do this! I'm excited you are making this move!

Start the application process.

Got Questions? You can email us at support@angedove.com

*Disclaimer: Results may not be typical nor expected for every person. This is not a "get rich quick" scheme.

All information provided on this website is based on best practices and for educational-purposes only.

*Individual results will vary. No results are guaranteed with the help of our training and systems. All the products and services we provide are for education and information purposes only. If there are testimonials on this page where people have created results using our products and services, you can't assume you will get the same results. There are those who will not earn any money at all with our products and services. Individual results will vary greatly according to effort, determination, hard work and ability to follow directions.

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